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Współczynniki genetyczne dla "Try To Copy Me" Przeliczona ilość pokoleń: 4 |
IC | 0,00000 (0,00000 %) | AVK | 96,66667 | RC | 0,00000% | XX | 0,00% | OO | 0,00% |
Drzewo genealogiczne: Rozkład krwi na przodków:Let's Try Again | 50,00 % | Fiefie v. Bright | 50,00 % | Allright v. Spuitjesdom | 25,00 % | Bianca La Chica Caballo | 25,00 % | Bright v. Uilenbroek | 25,00 % | Parlington Panda | 25,00 % | Vorden Buddleia | 12,50 % | Boltwood Fairy Ring | 12,50 % | Fairy Regent | 12,50 % | Parlington Pimpernell | 12,50 % | Birling Fantasia | 12,50 % | Sedgehill Pickles | 18,75 % | Hugo of Longacre | 6,25 % | Park View Betty Boo | 6,25 % | Deanland Carlo of Boltwood | 6,25 % | Fairy Celerity | 6,25 % | Fairy Blue Train | 6,25 % | Fairy Rosette | 6,25 % | Parlington Caramel | 6,25 % | Tinsley Tom Tiddler | 6,25 % | Fallacy of Wetherden | 6,25 % | Wells Nicolo | 6,25 % | Woodhall Rene | 6,25 % |