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Genetics coefficients for "Champagne 22611" Number of generations computed: 4 |
IC | 0.00000 (0.00000 %) | AVK | 100.00000 | RC | 0.00000% | XX | 46.14% | OX | 5.03% |
Family tree: Blood contribution by ancestor:Good Future 741 | 50.00 % | Chanel 9977 | 50.00 % | Good Luck | 25.00 % | Weisella | 25.00 % | Chagall | 25.00 % | Fastnet Race | 25.00 % | Grannus / Grannus-Granit | 12.50 % | Lorica | 12.50 % | Pascha | 12.50 % | Weissine | 12.50 % | Utrillo | 12.50 % | Efrodite | 12.50 % | Fastnet Rock | 12.50 % | Graphit | 6.25 % | Odessa | 6.25 % | Löwen As (Löwen-As) | 6.25 % | Talene | 6.25 % | Panther | 6.25 % | Sarina II | 6.25 % | Futuro | 6.25 % | Weissena IV | 6.25 % | Ernö / Ernoe | 6.25 % | Anisett | 6.25 % | Frondeur 333 | 6.25 % | Edelweiss 5530 | 6.25 % | Ocean Swell | 6.25 % | Stone of Fortune | 6.25 % |