| | | | | | | | Measurements: Please sign in to access this data | Bonitation: Please sign in to access this data | Registration no: Please sign in to access this data | Passport no: Please sign in to access this data | | National competitions: Please sign in to access this data | International competitions: Please sign in to access this data | Breeding results: Please sign in to access this data | | IC ( 6 ): 2.78% | IC of whole database: 3.87% | AVK ( 6 ): 69.05% | RC ( 6 ): 5.22% | XX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | OX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | Notes: Znakomity koń wyścigowy w Polsce i USA, jeden z najlepszych ojców arabskich koni wyścigowych.
Kupiony przez Libra Co. 8.10.1984 i imp. do USA.
Trenowany przez Roberta Knight'a.
Późniejszy właściciel: Town and Country Farms Corp.
Raced 1984-1986 in USA, 3/19(12-6-1)6-7, $97,782. Raced in Poland 18(8-4-1). Won 6 stakes and placed in 7 stakes in the US. Placed 1st in the Armand Hammer Classic.
Dotychczas niepobity jako reproduktor – ojciec największej ilości zwycięzców w gonitwach w USA. | | |