| Tadmor or. ar. | | Father: NN - end of pedigree Mother: NN - end of pedigree | | | | | | Measurements: Please sign in to access this data | Bonitation: Please sign in to access this data | Registration no: Please sign in to access this data | Passport no: Please sign in to access this data | | National competitions: Please sign in to access this data | International competitions: Please sign in to access this data | Breeding results: Please sign in to access this data | | IC ( 6 ): 0.00% | IC of whole database: 0.00% | AVK ( 6 ): 100.00% | RC ( 6 ): 0.00% | XX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | OX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | Notes: albo ur. 1834
Ojciec: Straiin HamdaniA Semri, 1830
Matka: Tamorie? 1830, gniada
Hodowca: Ruwalah, Egipt
Imp. w 1843r. przez Baron von Herbert do Lipizza Słowenia.
Przeniesiony w 1857r. do Babolnej Węgry. | | |