| | | | | | | | Measurements: Please sign in to access this data | Bonitation: Please sign in to access this data | Registration no: Please sign in to access this data | Passport no: Please sign in to access this data | | National competitions: Please sign in to access this data | International competitions: Please sign in to access this data | Breeding results: Please sign in to access this data | | IC ( 6 ): 0.00% | IC of whole database: 0.00% | AVK ( 6 ): 100.00% | RC ( 6 ): 0.00% | XX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | OX percentage: Please sign in to access this data | Notes: Wyhodowana na pustyni (linia Ali Paszy Sherif i Abbasa Paszy) przez Mahmuda Beya.
Kupiony od Mahmud Bey w wieku 12 lat przez Lady Anne & Wilfrid Blunt 5 marca 1891 r.
Wywieziona do Anglii w tym samym roku.
Sprzedana i zabrana do Rosji w 1899 roku, w wieku 20 lat, przez pułkownika de Sdanovitcha dla hrabiego Stroganoffa. | | |