Horse details

Eks Star Of Africa

Eks Star Of Africa

Birth date:
Death date:
pure bred arabian
South Africa 
Measurements: Please sign in to access this data
Bonitation: Please sign in to access this data
Registration no: Please sign in to access this data
Passport no: Please sign in to access this data
National competitions: Please sign in to access this data
International competitions: Please sign in to access this data
Breeding results: Please sign in to access this data
IC ( 6 ): 0.00%
IC of whole database: 0.00%
AVK ( 6 ): 100.00%
RC ( 6 ): 0.00%
XX percentage: Please sign in to access this data
OX percentage: Please sign in to access this data
Notes: Matka: Bint Starbright Bey/Besson Carol.
Hodowca: Elkasun Arabians
Wł. Best Arabians
? 3rd place mares 4-7 years old - Scandinavian Open B Int. Show, Sweden 2015
? 4th place mares 4-7 years old - NAHF International B Show, UK 2015
? 3rd place mares 4 years and over - Midland Arabian Festival C Int. Show, UK 2014
? 2 place mares 4-6 years old - Wales and West C nat Show, UK 2014
? 4th place mares 4-6 years old - UKIAHS A Show, UK 2012

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