List of competitions and breeding results

Rider details
Full name:
Lemański Andrzej
Year of birth: 1960
Discipline: skoki

Date Type Name Horse Grade Contest
2015-08-21 NMPMK-B Confusion [Corrado I - Una Bella ]rez. 6-letnie hod. zagranicznej 
2014-10-27 ICSI3*-W/CSIYH1* Stuntman 10 (Suspicius Mind) [Silvio I - Silver Dream ]25 Final Gold Tour (Longines Rankings) 
2014-10-27 ICSI3*-W/CSIYH1* Clear Cup [Clearway - Unknown ]24 Final Silver Tour 
2014-10-17 NHZO-B1* Stuntman 10 (Suspicius Mind) [Silvio I - Silver Dream ]5 Grand Prix, CC 
2014-10-17 NHZO-B1* Escato [Escudo I - Dakota ]8 Finał MR, C1 
2014-09-13 NZO-B* Stuntman 10 (Suspicius Mind) [Silvio I - Silver Dream ]2 Grand Prix, CC 140 cm 
2014-08-28 NMPMK-B Confusion [Corrado I - Una Bella ]3 konie 5-letnie hod.zagranicznej 
2014-08-28 NGrand Prix Ogierów Bischof L [Bachus Z (Bachus) - Verbena ]2 I kwalifikacja - 140cm 
2014-08-28 NGrand Prix Ogierów Bischof L [Bachus Z (Bachus) - Verbena ]2 konkurs finałowy 
2014-08-28 NGrand Prix Ogierów Bischof L [Bachus Z (Bachus) - Verbena ]2 II kwalifikacja - 140cm 
2014-08-28 NGrand Prix Ogierów Bischof L [Bachus Z (Bachus) - Verbena ]1 Klasyfikacja końcowa 
2014-07-19 NZO-B** Confusion [Corrado I - Una Bella ]1 RMK 5-latki 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Weltdame [Contender - Grappa ]17 199 - CSI*** Gold Tour 140 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Weltdame [Contender - Grappa ]18 214 - CSI*** Gold Tour 140 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Larifari [Larimar - Shacira ]16 178 - CSIYH* 115 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Larifari [Larimar - Shacira ]17 184 - CSIYH* 115 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Withney [For Pleasure - Tequilla I ]26 194 - CSI*** Silver Tour 130 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Larifari [Larimar - Shacira ]1 181 - CSIYH* 115 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Weltdame [Contender - Grappa ]22 231 - CSI*** 140 cm 
2014-04-08 IToscana Tour 2014 - week 4 Bischof L [Bachus Z (Bachus) - Verbena ]32 200 - CSI*** Gold Tour 145 cm 
N - National competitions
I - International competitions
B - Breeding results

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