Results of the database searching

Found 34 horses. Here are displayed horses from 1 to 20

Results for horses which name contains "betina"

Horse name Father Mother Sex Birth date Breed
Betina BeakleyQuite Easy IModesty SWE (ex. Modesty)Mare2004-06-18finnish warmblood (FWB)
BetinaDarco de Revel (Kadett Ter Putte)BettieMare2014-05-11oldenburg-international (OS)
BetinaTankBoraMare2020-05-22draft type or warm- x coolblood cross
Betina SWE ex. BetinaBeach Boy Mare1993-05-30swedish warmblood (SWB)
BetinaKliperBabsiMare1995shetland pony
BetinaPackage of MarshwoodPatrons AlfaMare1977shetland pony
Betina v.d. Kroon  Mare1966shetland pony
BetinaVigorBumiaMare2008-03-10draft horse
BetinaBedoBogdankaMare1984draft horse
BetinaMurycBrankaMare2001draft horse
BetinaMarbinBonitaMare2015-01-12draft horse
BetinaLaluś Mare2009-01-25draft horse
BetinaHardingBogotaMare1993small horse
BetinaLombardoBetaMare1999Polish noble half-bred
BetinaGiacomoBantamaMare2004-04-24Polish noble half-bred
BetinaWicherBajkaMare2005-03-28Polish noble half-bred
Cibetina SKBCasino HollywoodCelentana IIMare2024-04-28Polish noble half-bred
Betina de CoquerieLamm de FetanDiva de DampierreMare2011-06-14Selle Francais
BetinaWangartBrekiniaMare2020hucul pony

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