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Genetics coefficients for "Arc-En Cel" Number of generations computed: 4 |
IC | 0.03125 (3.12500 %) | AVK | 90.00000 | RC | 6.06495% | XX | 100.00% | OX | 27.64% |
IC contribution by ancestor: ♀ Cobweb | 0.03125 ( 3.12500 %) |
Family tree: Blood contribution by ancestor:The Flying Dutchman | 50.00 % | Pulcherie | 50.00 % | Bay Middleton | 25.00 % | Barbelle | 25.00 % | Young Emilius | 25.00 % | Minuit | 25.00 % | Sultan | 12.50 % | Cobweb | 25.00 % | Sandbeck | 12.50 % | Darioletta | 12.50 % | Emilius | 12.50 % | Terror | 12.50 % | Nell | 12.50 % | Selim | 6.25 % | Bacchante | 6.25 % | Phantom | 12.50 % | Filagree | 12.50 % | Catton | 6.25 % | Orvillina | 6.25 % | Amadis | 6.25 % | Selima | 6.25 % | Orville | 6.25 % | Emily | 6.25 % | Magistrate | 6.25 % | Torelli | 6.25 % | Don Cossack | 6.25 % | Crystal | 6.25 % |