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Genetics coefficients for "Blaue Adria" Number of generations computed: 4 |
IC | 0.07812 (7.81250 %) | AVK | 86.66667 | RC | 15.07692% | XX | 100.00% | OX | 0.12% |
IC contribution by ancestor: ♂ Fels | 0.06250 ( 6.25000 %) | ♀ Festa | 0.01562 ( 1.56250 %) |
Family tree: Blood contribution by ancestor:Ladro | 50.00 % | Blaue Blume | 50.00 % | Graf Ferry | 25.00 % | Ladylove | 25.00 % | Fels | 37.50 % | Blaustrumpf | 25.00 % | Fervor | 12.50 % | Grave and Gay | 12.50 % | Ladylike | 12.50 % | Hannibal | 18.75 % | Festa | 25.00 % | Saphir | 12.50 % | Ste. Alvere | 12.50 % | Galtee More | 6.25 % | Henry Of Navarre | 6.25 % | Mount Vernon | 6.25 % | Volodyovski | 6.25 % | Ladyland | 6.25 % | Trachenberg | 6.25 % | Zama | 6.25 % | St Simon | 6.25 % | L'Abbesse de Jouarre | 6.25 % | Chamant | 6.25 % | Sappho | 6.25 % | Hermit | 6.25 % | Adelaide | 6.25 % |